Did you know that many varieties of lilies are toxic to our feline friends? If a cat eats the leaves, petals or pollen from a lily, they will become very sick. It doesn't take very much of the plant to kill a cat. Lilies cause kidney failure that is not reversible.
Signs of lily poisoning include:
-Excessive thirst or urination
-Weak or irregular pulses
If your cat shows these signs, or if you see them munching on a lily:
-Call the Veterinarian immediately
-Bring the plant with you to your appointment
What can you do to prevent lily toxicity?
-Don't have these plants in the house! This is especially important as Easter is coming.
-Tell your friends and families about the dangers of lily plants to our feline friends!
1. Easter Lily
2. Japanese Snow Lily
3. Asiatic Lily
4. Tiger Lily
5. Day Lily
6. Rubrum lily
7. Stargazer lily
8. Red Lily
9. Western Lily
10. Wood Lily
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