Our most recent newest additions are pictured, and we're very excited about them.
On the right, you can see our new Idexx diagnostic equipment. We are the proud owners of a new chemistry and CBC machine, an upgrade from our previous equipment. The new chemistry machine still allows us to perform many more tests in-house, saving you the time and expense of sending blood to an outside laboratory. In an emergency situation, it's very important to get reliable results as soon as we can. Our new CBC machine for blood counts gives us results faster than ever before - an important thing in an emergency!
On the left, you can see our brand new microscope. This microscope provides excellent detail and clear pictures to help us look at many different things:
- Stool samples for parasites
- Urine samples for infection or evidence of stones or inflammation
- Blood for parasites or signs of bone marrow or immune disease
- Masses to help guide treatment decisions - do we remove it or not?
- Skin scrapes to look for mites and other parasites in itchy dogs
Here are a few examples from our new microscope this week!